Sunday, July 27, 2008


The damn liberal media is at it again. They have fallen so head over heels in love with Obama that they are clouding the mind and judgment of citizens all over America. Evidently, this whole election is a farce as the pundits have already chosen the president on our behalf. For those of you who know me, you have no doubt realized that there is more than a hit of sarcasm here...

An article Saturday by Kelly McBride of Poynter illustrates her notion of the ridiculousness behind the idea of Obamamania. For those of you hiding under a rock who haven't heard this term coined, it is the conservative view that journalists are in a love affair with Obama and are thus providing the public with a biased and false representation of the candidate, of course at the expense of the republican party. McBride makes a great point. Shouldn't journalists be allowed to choose the candidate of their liking and privately support them? Does this choice necessitate that they are unable to perform their job as an ethical journalist? Let's get real here, all news is biased. Just because a reporter has a preference does not mean that they are unable to report the facts as they come. Any journalist that wants to retain employment is not going to deliver biased, unfactual material, especially now when even factual political material is thoroughly scrutinized! Another article yesterday, this one from the Associated Press, broached the subject as well. It seems journalists agree that although some restraint must be used, they are entitled personal opinions outside of the workplace. Anyway, my point here is that the public needs to understand that journalists are humans, too. They are going to have an opinion, no matter what the issue, and they are entitled to it. We should stop expecting them to have the mind of a robot, at least so long as they continue to report relevant, factual information. And thank you, Kelly, for being gutsy enough to admit that, every once and a while, you get excited, too.

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