Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Speaking of ethics...

Following class Monday night, I went in search of a story to further the debate on ethical and legal issues in journalism. Fox News couldn't have handed me a better story! While most people are aware that the Fox News slant falls hard to the right, hearing that former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan suggested Fox was fed talking points by the Bush Administration has many crying foul.

The story broke on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews last Thursday, when McClellan stated that Fox has been helpful, on numerous occasions, in presenting the exact message the White House wanted to project. Thankfully, McClellan did mention that although they did use the commentators as their spokespeople, Fox's journalists were not involved. Still, these are damaging charges to anyone associated with the corporation. It certainly wears on one's ethical credibility to be a journalist or reporter employed by an independent news corporation who declares itself as fair and balanced, yet is recognized by the Bush Administration as the outlet to feed their 'spin.'

I was never under the impression that Fox was fair and balanced. Anyone could tune in for just a few minutes and figure that out. But the idea that an 'independent' news corporation could merely be a puppet for the current administration leaves me with chills. From what I gathered, I am not alone. Will the public finally demand a higher level of integrity, or will they sit back and allow this to continue? If my fears hold true and they remain impervious, then where will they draw the line?

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