Sunday, August 3, 2008

And the hits just keep on comin'

The future of the average daily newspaper looks bleaker every day. Papers are doing all they can to cut costs, which inevitably means payroll cuts and job losses. While editors and journalists have been concerned over their financial future for some time now, recent developments at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Star Tribune have several others facing financial woes.

According to an article Friday in Poynter Online, the Tribune has been pressing to cut the wages of their drivers, pressman, and mailers by 10 percent. The paper was working with the unions to come up with a pay decrease for all rather than cut jobs. Understandably, the union has rejected their concession, as a decrease of 10 percent in today's struggling economy would be disasterous for many of the members.

The Tribune joins the ranks of newspaper giants such as the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News, who are desperately struggling to keep their heads above water. With the costs of production continuing to rise and consumer interest plummeting, one has to wonder how long it will be until talks of layoffs cease and the papers are just shut down entirely.

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